

Based on an initial assessment of current practices in carefully selected snow sports venues, SIEPPUR will conduct a gap analysis and identify best practices for minimising resource use and improving sustainability governance in snow sport organisations. 

Based on modeled snow climatological scenarios for venues across the continent, the project will develop new knowledge to advance the different dimensions of sustainable snow management practices from production, storage, transport, grooming to handling. 

The project will translate the new knowledge into implementation roadmaps for different cultural and geographical circumstances considering both governance and operational levels both of which will need to develop in sync to apply the new approaches successfully. 



The project seeks to increase awareness on the topic and to spread solutions to influence the entire snow sport sector in pursuing resource optimisation and efficiency objectives. 

SIEPPUR will provide practitioners with helpful management tools and techniques to monitor and minimise water and energy use and to optimise the efficiency of snow management, whilst reducing impact on flora and fauna from both short-term (daily) and long-term (climate change) perspectives. 

To ensure broad implementation of the project’s outcomes, SIEPPUR will develop a series of educational sessions and training modules that will be promoted and made available free of charge to snow sports entities Europe-wide. The project’s impact will be multiplied through a comprehensive communication and dissemination programme that will target the winter sports and mountain tourism industries, as well as the Olympic sport movement.

How we work

We articulate our mission around the following five ”Work Packages”: